Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Alexa's Story

It is the year 2000 and an intergalactic price war has begun. The Real Estate Agency of Doom (READ)has made arrangements to purchase Soviet Fun land, and a group of guards from the Galactic Pizza Stock Market (GPSM)is sent to protect the terms of the agreement. But not all hope is lost, for a small group has emerged to return Soviet Fun land to the rightful owners (nobody) they are known as the Atomic Toaster Rebellion (ATR).
Captain Awesome of READ was finishing his negotiations for the rights to Soviet Fun land when he was interrupted by an announcement on hes transmitter.
"Good afternoon Captain, this is General Extream of the GPSM. I hate to inform you but i have put full investments into the park and your share is no longer valid. It seems to bee i have tricked you once again, good day."
"He's done it again!"

This whole conversation between GPSM and READ was picked up by spy radios from the ATR.
"Well, well, well, it seems to be their alliance is suffering some problems once again." Said Captain Copernicus of the ATR, "I believe this is an excellent opportunity to strike back and prevent them from retrieving the park."
Little did the Rebellion know that they had picked up a staged transmission and were headed right for a trap! Wow, this story is getting exciting, lets continue to read shall we its half way over anyway.
"Put the random firing laser over their next to the vodka powered bumper cars and the Curse Of the Propaganda roller coaster."Captain Awesome ordered a group of evil henchmen."Aha their you are General, how is your end of the base holding up?"
"Fine, fine and yours?"
"Excellent, the randomly firing laser is in place and ready for evil stuff."
Just then General Extreme transmitter turned on.
"Good afternoon General" A voice said. But it wasn't just any voice, it was Alexa. She was ready to buy the park from the General.
"Just a moment ma'am" General Extreme interrupted.
Captain Awesome looked at him with much anger.
"I will not stand for this!"
"Too late it has already been done."
Captain Awesome pulled out his transmitter and called in his fleet of galactic star fighters, just as the General did the same. Just as the Ships arrived the ATR came out of light speed right into the battle.
Okay now for the battle just imagine a standard Micheal Bay film but with more explosions.
As more ships were destroyed the crashed down to earth destroying everything in sight. Shortly after a smallcar drove up the hil near the formaly in shape Soviet Fun Land, as Alexa got out.At that exact moment the random firing laser vaporised her car and caught her shoes on fire so she took them off.

This was called Alexa's Story because if it wasnt for her wanting to buy some amusement park none of this would have happened, so she in a way is the bad guy. Yeah something to think about.....Stay in School!