Friday, October 2, 2009

I Prefer...

1.Glow in the dark cats over Regular cats
2.Nachos over Doorknobs
3.Cameras over Camcorders
4.Number 2 pencils over Number 1 pencils
5.A Cookie over The letter "W"
6.The Land of The Lost over LOST
7.Falling off a 3 story building over Falling out a 4 story building
8.Bricks over Driving to work in the morning
9.Lowes Hardware store over A group of skydivers in a circle (its just weird)
10.Cinder blocks over Cinder block shaped rocks
11.Spilling a barrel of molten Fondue over Eating said Fondue
12.More fun than a barrel of monkeys over more fun than a barrel of accountants
13.Green over Red
14.Me over Travis being a buzz kill
15.Dinosaurs over Dinosors
16.I can has cheeseburger cat over I frew up cat
17.My way over Subway
18.A round Table over A rocket flying into space, and crashing into my tool shed.
19.North Carolina over The Headless horseman with a banana
20.Doorknob over Nachos
21.Working hardly over Working on tires made of sponge.
22.Eating a Bagel over Eating a light bulb
23.Falling down a flight of stairs over falling down an elevator shaft
24.Indiana Jones over Harrison Ford
25.Molten spatula in my hand over Breaking metal in my hand
26.Flying cat over No monorail cats
27.A T.V with a small apartment coming out of it over A cheeseburger
28.Fred Flintstone over Darth Vader
29.Apple with brain over Bran with brain
30.Apple Pie over Black knight attacking Dark knight