Monday, November 23, 2009

Spelling Test Results

Word Definition Correct* Incorrect* Your Answer
ADULTERATE (v.) To make impure by adding extraneous, improper, or inferior ingredients 81% 19% Right!
AMBIDEXTROUS (adj.) Having the ability of using both hands with equal skill or ease 94% 6% Right!
AUGMENT (v.) To make bigger 84% 16% Right!
BEREFT (adj.) Left desolate or alone, especially by death 71% 29% Right!
DEPLOY (v.) To distribute persons or forces systematically or strategically 85% 15% Right!
DOUR (adj.) Silently ill-humored; gloomy 79% 21% Right!
FORTITUDE (n.) Patient courage 72% 28% Right!
GAPE (v.) To stare wonderingly or stupidly, often with the mouth open 91% 9% Right!
GIBE (n.) A taunting or bitterly sarcastic remark; (v.) To utter taunts or jeers 81% 19% Right!
GUISE (n.) The external appearance as produced by garb or costume 86% 14% Right!
INSIDIOUS (adj.) Harming by slow and stealthy means 61% 39% Right!
INTIMATION (n.) A hint; an obscure or indirect suggestion or notice 78% 22% Right!
OPULENT (adj.) Wealthy 83% 17% Right!
PLIABLE (adj.) Easily influenced, persuaded, or swayed 87% 13% Right!
REITERATE (v.) To say or do again and again 92% 8% Right!
STOLID (adj.) Not easily aroused or excited; dull 81% 19% Right!
TENTATIVE (adj.) Uncertain, hesitant 80% 20% Right!
UNKEMPT (adj.) Not properly maintained; disorderly or untidy 92% 8% Right!
VERBATIM (adj.) Using exactly the same words, corresponding word for word; (adv.) In exactly the same words, word for word 89% 11% Right!
WARILY (adv.) Characterized by caution 80% 20% Right

You may think i am a genus, but that's because i am.