Monday, November 23, 2009

Spelling Test Results

Word Definition Correct* Incorrect* Your Answer
ADULTERATE (v.) To make impure by adding extraneous, improper, or inferior ingredients 81% 19% Right!
AMBIDEXTROUS (adj.) Having the ability of using both hands with equal skill or ease 94% 6% Right!
AUGMENT (v.) To make bigger 84% 16% Right!
BEREFT (adj.) Left desolate or alone, especially by death 71% 29% Right!
DEPLOY (v.) To distribute persons or forces systematically or strategically 85% 15% Right!
DOUR (adj.) Silently ill-humored; gloomy 79% 21% Right!
FORTITUDE (n.) Patient courage 72% 28% Right!
GAPE (v.) To stare wonderingly or stupidly, often with the mouth open 91% 9% Right!
GIBE (n.) A taunting or bitterly sarcastic remark; (v.) To utter taunts or jeers 81% 19% Right!
GUISE (n.) The external appearance as produced by garb or costume 86% 14% Right!
INSIDIOUS (adj.) Harming by slow and stealthy means 61% 39% Right!
INTIMATION (n.) A hint; an obscure or indirect suggestion or notice 78% 22% Right!
OPULENT (adj.) Wealthy 83% 17% Right!
PLIABLE (adj.) Easily influenced, persuaded, or swayed 87% 13% Right!
REITERATE (v.) To say or do again and again 92% 8% Right!
STOLID (adj.) Not easily aroused or excited; dull 81% 19% Right!
TENTATIVE (adj.) Uncertain, hesitant 80% 20% Right!
UNKEMPT (adj.) Not properly maintained; disorderly or untidy 92% 8% Right!
VERBATIM (adj.) Using exactly the same words, corresponding word for word; (adv.) In exactly the same words, word for word 89% 11% Right!
WARILY (adv.) Characterized by caution 80% 20% Right

You may think i am a genus, but that's because i am.

Friday, November 13, 2009

What I Think

1.) Inflatable Seat belts
The idea of seat belts inflating after an impact seems to be a good idea. It would lower the amount of pressure on your chest during a crash, and possibly lower the amounts of injuries all together.

2.)Wearing White To Go Green
Personally i think this is a very good idea, its a very simple concept that results in saying money and significantly lowering Co2 levels in the air. Two thumbs up for this one.

3.)The Future Of Fried Foods
Very nice idea, the idea of making fried food un-fried sounds DELICIOUS, YUMMY , EXTRA AWESOME!

4.) Vending Veggies
Are you nuts, the vegetable would continuously have to be replaced because, they are not going to stay fresh forever, you know?

5.) Unlocking New Security
I can't decide if this is a good or bad idea, because i don't believe enough information was given about this new type of lock.

6.) Do The Robot
I have a bad feeling about these things...oh well i guess i will have to buy one, its named HAL its not like there has ever been a robot that turned evil and tried to destroy its human counterparts.

7.)It's a Bird, a Plane -- It's Super Fruit?
Eeeew the picture made me say no.

8.)Calorie Counting Menus Most restaurants have these already ind i really don't see much of a change.

9.)Solar Cell Phones
Its a good idea, but it would need definite backup power, you see people don't usually leave there phone in the sun or use them much outside. This addition to a phone would be just a little extra but would not have a very large change from what is out already.

Source that all this Jibba Jabba came from-

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Eat Here! NOW!

HEY, KIDS KIDS KIDS AHHGH! Do you love eating in a loud crowded environment filled with children who are either throwing up falling down crying of just screaming at the top of their lungs because they got a paper cut on the tickets or don't have enough for the big cheap-O prize? Then you will absolutely positively love Chuck-E-Cheese!Its a wonderful dining experience for ages, trust me that's i had my wedding, uncles funeral (in the ball pit)! Chuck-E-Cheese has a wonderful selection of food including the pizza, a small pizza, bread sticks, a salad bar, and sticky stuff on the floor! Still not convinced? Well here a Chuck-E-Cheese we also offer television with not just that boring sports crap, no we have sesame street style rap music videos on repeat twenty four seven! We also are sponsored by eight foot tall mechanical rat who's eyes almost all of time malfunction, causing them to close his curtain. Even if that is to happen to you Chucky comes out from the back room somehow about two feet shorter than usual, and gives you HUGS while staring at you with a blank demented, eyes, cool huh? You can even play terrible arcade games spending one hundred dollars to win those one hundred tickets just to get that ten dollar toy they used to have at Goodwill. So get get your lazy rump down here NAUGH! You Should Eat Here! Do it NAUGH!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Alexa's Story

It is the year 2000 and an intergalactic price war has begun. The Real Estate Agency of Doom (READ)has made arrangements to purchase Soviet Fun land, and a group of guards from the Galactic Pizza Stock Market (GPSM)is sent to protect the terms of the agreement. But not all hope is lost, for a small group has emerged to return Soviet Fun land to the rightful owners (nobody) they are known as the Atomic Toaster Rebellion (ATR).
Captain Awesome of READ was finishing his negotiations for the rights to Soviet Fun land when he was interrupted by an announcement on hes transmitter.
"Good afternoon Captain, this is General Extream of the GPSM. I hate to inform you but i have put full investments into the park and your share is no longer valid. It seems to bee i have tricked you once again, good day."
"He's done it again!"

This whole conversation between GPSM and READ was picked up by spy radios from the ATR.
"Well, well, well, it seems to be their alliance is suffering some problems once again." Said Captain Copernicus of the ATR, "I believe this is an excellent opportunity to strike back and prevent them from retrieving the park."
Little did the Rebellion know that they had picked up a staged transmission and were headed right for a trap! Wow, this story is getting exciting, lets continue to read shall we its half way over anyway.
"Put the random firing laser over their next to the vodka powered bumper cars and the Curse Of the Propaganda roller coaster."Captain Awesome ordered a group of evil henchmen."Aha their you are General, how is your end of the base holding up?"
"Fine, fine and yours?"
"Excellent, the randomly firing laser is in place and ready for evil stuff."
Just then General Extreme transmitter turned on.
"Good afternoon General" A voice said. But it wasn't just any voice, it was Alexa. She was ready to buy the park from the General.
"Just a moment ma'am" General Extreme interrupted.
Captain Awesome looked at him with much anger.
"I will not stand for this!"
"Too late it has already been done."
Captain Awesome pulled out his transmitter and called in his fleet of galactic star fighters, just as the General did the same. Just as the Ships arrived the ATR came out of light speed right into the battle.
Okay now for the battle just imagine a standard Micheal Bay film but with more explosions.
As more ships were destroyed the crashed down to earth destroying everything in sight. Shortly after a smallcar drove up the hil near the formaly in shape Soviet Fun Land, as Alexa got out.At that exact moment the random firing laser vaporised her car and caught her shoes on fire so she took them off.

This was called Alexa's Story because if it wasnt for her wanting to buy some amusement park none of this would have happened, so she in a way is the bad guy. Yeah something to think about.....Stay in School!

Friday, October 2, 2009

I Prefer...

1.Glow in the dark cats over Regular cats
2.Nachos over Doorknobs
3.Cameras over Camcorders
4.Number 2 pencils over Number 1 pencils
5.A Cookie over The letter "W"
6.The Land of The Lost over LOST
7.Falling off a 3 story building over Falling out a 4 story building
8.Bricks over Driving to work in the morning
9.Lowes Hardware store over A group of skydivers in a circle (its just weird)
10.Cinder blocks over Cinder block shaped rocks
11.Spilling a barrel of molten Fondue over Eating said Fondue
12.More fun than a barrel of monkeys over more fun than a barrel of accountants
13.Green over Red
14.Me over Travis being a buzz kill
15.Dinosaurs over Dinosors
16.I can has cheeseburger cat over I frew up cat
17.My way over Subway
18.A round Table over A rocket flying into space, and crashing into my tool shed.
19.North Carolina over The Headless horseman with a banana
20.Doorknob over Nachos
21.Working hardly over Working on tires made of sponge.
22.Eating a Bagel over Eating a light bulb
23.Falling down a flight of stairs over falling down an elevator shaft
24.Indiana Jones over Harrison Ford
25.Molten spatula in my hand over Breaking metal in my hand
26.Flying cat over No monorail cats
27.A T.V with a small apartment coming out of it over A cheeseburger
28.Fred Flintstone over Darth Vader
29.Apple with brain over Bran with brain
30.Apple Pie over Black knight attacking Dark knight